Applying Value Analysis and Value Engineering to Develop a Popular Wheel Clamp

  • ZAKARYA MOHSEN MUTHANNA ALHODIANY International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Keywords: Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VA/VE), Distinct Stages of VA/VE, Improved Design,, Product Life Expectancy Domain, Function Analysis System Technique (FAST”


The work describes the basics of value analysis and value engineering and
presents detailed overview of its distinct stages applicable to any merchandise with the aim
of boosting its value. Besides, the paper examines the case of delivering a new popular
wheel clamp on the market. The research discovers that one can accomplish it through
improving the design of a specific model of the device in the framework of value analysis
and value engineering. The enhancement consists in reduction of the number of
components, implementation of the fool-proof technology, and taking advantage of the
leverage. The activity gives rise to the improved design of an affordable wheel clamp.


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Author Biography

ZAKARYA MOHSEN MUTHANNA ALHODIANY, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

How to Cite
ALHODIANY, Z. M. M. (2017). Applying Value Analysis and Value Engineering to Develop a Popular Wheel Clamp. IJRDO - Journal of Mechanical And Civil Engineering, 3(1), 01-12.