The Migmatite and Gneisses in the Basement Complex of Southwestern Nigeria: a re-appraisal of their structural, mineralogical, and geochemical diversity
The structural, mineralogical and petrochemical diversity of migmatite-gneiss in the Basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria were re-appraised. The study of these country rocks exhibited structural heterogeneities that classified them into migmatite, banded gneiss and granite gneiss sub-groups. The units are typically hypidiomorphic to porphyroblastic with varying degrees of structural complexities. The variably deformed rocks have dominant N-S and NNE-SSW trending foliations and lineaments. These typically low-lying rocks are leucocratic to melanocratic and contain varying proportions of felsic-mafic components. Mineralogical composition shows dominance of quartz, feldspars, biotite, hornblende, and muscovite while opaque and pyroxene occur in subordinate amounts. Analytical results indicate that the rocks show cryptic but systematic variation in major elements distribution. The average mean SiO2 contents in Idanre migmatite (65.00 %), Ita-Ogbolu banded gneiss (62.53 %) and Ado-Ekiti granite gneiss (61.01 %) are suggestive of siliceous class while their average alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents showed 6.49 %, 9.23 %, and 8.52 % respectively. Variation plots of Na2O/Al2O3 versus K2O/Al2O3 indicate that the rocks have igneous parentage, Al2O3 versus MgO classifies the rocks as orthogneiss, K2O versus SiO2 diagram classifies them as continental granophyre. Trace element composition show lithophile elements (Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr and Ce) enrichment. Geochemical plot of Na2O/Al2O3 versus K2O/Al2O3 revealed these gneisses are products of anatexis of igneous protolith.
Ajibade A. C., Woakes, M. R., and Rahaman, M. A., 1988, Proterozoic crustal development in the Pan-African regime of Nigeria. In: Precambrian Geology of Nigeria, GSN, Esho Pub. Kaduna. 56p
Anifowose, A. Y. B., and Kolawole, F., 2012, Emplacement Tectonics of Idanre Batholith, West Africa. Comunicações Geológicas, v. 99, 2, p.13-18.
Arthaud, M. H., Caby, R., Fuck, R. A., Dantas, E. L., and Parente, C. V., 2008, Geology of the northern Borborema Province, NE Brazil, and its correlation with Nigeria, NW Africa. In: Pankhurst, R.J., Trouw, R.A.J., Brito Neves, B.B., De Wit, M.J. (Eds.), West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations across the South Atlantic Region. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, v. 294, p.49–67.
Best, M. G., 2003. Igneous and metamorphic petrology, 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing Company Chapter 19-Precambrian Rock Association.
Bolarinwa, A. T., 2004, Petrochemistry of opaque minerals in biotite granite gneiss of Abeokuta area Southwestern Nigeria. Global Journal of Geological Sciences, v. 2, 2, p. 163-170.
Burke, K. C., Dewey, J. F., 1972, Orogeny in African geology in Dessauvagie T. F. J and Whiteman A. J. (eds.), African Geology, University of Ibadan, Geol. Dept. 1970, p.583-608.
Dada, S. S., 2006, Proterozoic evolution of Nigeria. In O. Oshin (Ed.), The basement complex of Nigeria and its mineral resources (A tribute to Prof. M.A.O. Rahaman). Akin Jinad and Co. Ibadan, p. 29-44.
Dada, S. S., 2008, “Proterozoic Evolution of the Nigeria-Borborema Province,” In: R. J. Pankhurst, R. A. Trouw, B. B. Brito Neves and M. J. De Wit, (Eds.), West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations across the South Atlantic Region, Geological Society of London Special Publication, London, p.121-136.
Dietrich, R. V., and Mehnert, K. R., 1961, Proposal for the nomenclature of migmatites and associated rocks. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI. Session, Norden, 1960, Copenhagen. Part XXI, Section v.14, p. 56-78.
Ekwere, S. J., and Ekwueme, B. N., 1991, Geochemistry of Precambrian gneisses in the eastern part of the Oban massif, south eastern Nigeria. Geologie Mijnbouw, v. 70, p.105–114.
Ekwueme, B. N., and Kröner, A., 2006, Single zircon ages of migmatitic gneisses and granulite in the Obudu Plateau: Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in southeastern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 44, p. 459-469.
Elueze, A. A., 1982, Geochemistry of the Ilesha granite gneiss in the basement complex of southwestern Nigeria. Prec. Res., v.19, p. 167-177.
Ferré, E. C., Gleizes, G., and Caby, R., 2002, Obliquely convergent tectonics and granite emplacement in the Trans-Saharan belt of Eastern Nigeria: a synthesis. Precambrian Research v.114, p.199–219.
Ferré, E. C., Deleris, J., Bouchez, J. L., Lar, A. U., and Peucat, J. J., 1996, The Pan-African reactivation of Eburnean and Archaean provinces in Nigeria: structural and isotopic data.
Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.153, p.719–728.
Freeth, S., 1971, Geochemical and related studies of West African Igneous and metamorphic rock. Unpublished (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria), 68p.
Garrels, R. M., and McKenzie, F. T., 1971, Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks. Norton New York, NY. p.243.
Grant, N. K., 1970, “The Geochronology of Precambrian Basement Rocks from Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.10, 1, p. 28-38.
Hockey, R. D., Sacchi, R., De Graff, W. P. F. H., and Muotoh, E. O. G., 1986, The geology of Lokoja-Auchi area: GSN Bulletin, v. 39, 71p
Imeokparia, E. G., and Emofurieta, W. O., 1991, Protoliths and petrogenesis of Precambrian gneisses from the Igbeti area, SW Nigeria. Chemie der Erde, v.511, p. 39-54.
Norman, M. D., Pearson, N. J., Sharma, A. and Griffin W. L., 1996, Quantitative analysis of trace elements in geological materials by laser by ablation ICP-MS: instrumental operating conditions and calibration values of NIST glasses. Geostandards Newsletter v.20, p. 247–261.
Norman, M. D., 1998,. Melting and metasomatism in the continental lithosphere: laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of minerals in spinel, herzolites from eastern Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. V.130, p. 240- 255.
Obaje, N. G., 2009, Geology and mineral resources of Nigeria. Lecture notes on Earth Sciences, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 120p
Ogezi, A. E. O., 1988, Geochemistry and origin of Ensialic Alpines - type serpentine Associations from Mallam Tanko (Shemi) and Ribah Northern Nigeria. In Prec. Geo. of Nigeria, GSN, Esho Pub. Kaduna. 46p.
Oluyide, P. O., Nwajide, C. S., and Oni, A. O., 1998, The geology of the Ilorin area. Explanation of the 1:250000 sheet 50 (Ilorin). Ministry of solid mineral development, Geological Survey of Nigeria, Bulletin No. 42.
Onyeagocha, A. C., 1984, Petrology and geologic history of NW Akwanga area in Northern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v.2, 1, p. 41-50.
Rahaman, M. A., Emofurieta, W. O., and Caen-Vachette, M., 1983, The potassic-granites of the Igbeti area: further evidence of the polycyclic evolution of the Pan-African belt in southwestern Nigeria. Precambrian research, v. 221, 2, p.75-92.
Rahaman, M. A., 1988, “Recent Advances in the Study of the Basement Complex of Nigeria,” In: P. O. Oluyide, W. C. Mbonu, A. E. Ogezi, I. G. Egbuniwe, A. C. Ajibade and A. C. Umeji, Eds., Precambrian Geology of Nigeria, Geological Survey of Nigeria, Kaduna, p. 11-41.
Talabi, A. O., 2013, Mineralogical and chemical characterization of major basement rocks in Ekiti State, SW-Nigeria. RMZ-M & G, v. 60, p 73-86.
Udensi, E. E., Ojo, S. B., and Ajakaiye, D. E., 1986, A three-dimensional interpretation of the bouguer anomalies over the Minna batholith in central Nigeria. Precambrian research, v. 32, 1, p.1-15.
Van Breemen, O., Pidgeon, R. T., and Bowden, P., 1977, Age and Isotopic Studies of Some Pan-African Granites from North-Central Nigeria. Precambrian Research. v. 4, p. 319-407.
Adetunji, A., Olarewaju, V. O., Ocan, O. O., Ganev, V.Y., and Macheva, L., 2016, Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the pegmatites in Ede area, southwestern Nigeria: A newly discovered oldest Pan African rock in Southwestern Nigeria. Jour. of Afr. Earth Sci. v.115, p.177-190.
Ajibade A. C., Woakes, M. R., and Rahaman, M. A., 1988, Proterozoic crustal development in the Pan-African regime of Nigeria. In: Precambrian Geology of Nigeria, GSN, Esho Pub. Kaduna. 56p
Anifowose, A. Y. B., and Kolawole, F., 2012, Emplacement Tectonics of Idanre Batholith, West Africa. Comunicações Geológicas, v. 99, 2, p.13-18.
Arthaud, M. H., Caby, R., Fuck, R. A., Dantas, E. L., and Parente, C. V., 2008, Geology of the northern Borborema Province, NE Brazil, and its correlation with Nigeria, NW Africa. In: Pankhurst, R.J., Trouw, R.A.J., Brito Neves, B.B., De Wit, M.J. (Eds.), West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations across the South Atlantic Region. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, v. 294, p.49–67.
Best, M. G., 2003. Igneous and metamorphic petrology, 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing Company Chapter 19-Precambrian Rock Association.
Bolarinwa, A. T., 2004, Petrochemistry of opaque minerals in biotite granite gneiss of Abeokuta area Southwestern Nigeria. Global Journal of Geological Sciences, v. 2, 2, p. 163-170.
Burke, K. C., Dewey, J. F., 1972, Orogeny in African geology in Dessauvagie T. F. J and Whiteman A. J. (eds.), African Geology, University of Ibadan, Geol. Dept. 1970, p.583-608.
Dada, S. S., 2006, Proterozoic evolution of Nigeria. In O. Oshin (Ed.), The basement complex of Nigeria and its mineral resources (A tribute to Prof. M.A.O. Rahaman). Akin Jinad and Co. Ibadan, p. 29-44.
Dada, S. S., 2008, “Proterozoic Evolution of the Nigeria-Borborema Province,” In: R. J. Pankhurst, R. A. Trouw, B. B. Brito Neves and M. J. De Wit, (Eds.), West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations across the South Atlantic Region, Geological Society of London Special Publication, London, p.121-136.
Dietrich, R. V., and Mehnert, K. R., 1961, Proposal for the nomenclature of migmatites and associated rocks. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI. Session, Norden, 1960, Copenhagen. Part XXI, Section v.14, p. 56-78.
Ekwere, S. J., and Ekwueme, B. N., 1991, Geochemistry of Precambrian gneisses in the eastern part of the Oban massif, south eastern Nigeria. Geologie Mijnbouw, v. 70, p.105–114.
Ekwueme, B. N., and Kröner, A., 2006, Single zircon ages of migmatitic gneisses and granulite in the Obudu Plateau: Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in southeastern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 44, p. 459-469.
Elueze, A. A., 1982, Geochemistry of the Ilesha granite gneiss in the basement complex of southwestern Nigeria. Prec. Res., v.19, p. 167-177.
Ferré, E. C., Gleizes, G., and Caby, R., 2002, Obliquely convergent tectonics and granite emplacement in the Trans-Saharan belt of Eastern Nigeria: a synthesis. Precambrian Research v.114, p.199–219.
Ferré, E. C., Deleris, J., Bouchez, J. L., Lar, A. U., and Peucat, J. J., 1996, The Pan-African reactivation of Eburnean and Archaean provinces in Nigeria: structural and isotopic data.
Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.153, p.719–728.
Freeth, S., 1971, Geochemical and related studies of West African Igneous and metamorphic rock. Unpublished (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria), 68p.
Garrels, R. M., and McKenzie, F. T., 1971, Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks. Norton New York, NY. p.243.
Grant, N. K., 1970, “The Geochronology of Precambrian Basement Rocks from Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.10, 1, p. 28-38.
Hockey, R. D., Sacchi, R., De Graff, W. P. F. H., and Muotoh, E. O. G., 1986, The geology of Lokoja-Auchi area: GSN Bulletin, v. 39, 71p
Imeokparia, E. G., and Emofurieta, W. O., 1991, Protoliths and petrogenesis of Precambrian gneisses from the Igbeti area, SW Nigeria. Chemie der Erde, v.511, p. 39-54.
Norman, M. D., Pearson, N. J., Sharma, A. and Griffin W. L., 1996, Quantitative analysis of trace elements in geological materials by laser by ablation ICP-MS: instrumental operating conditions and calibration values of NIST glasses. Geostandards Newsletter v.20, p. 247–261.
Norman, M. D., 1998,. Melting and metasomatism in the continental lithosphere: laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of minerals in spinel, herzolites from eastern Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. V.130, p. 240- 255.
Obaje, N. G., 2009, Geology and mineral resources of Nigeria. Lecture notes on Earth Sciences, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 120p
Ogezi, A. E. O., 1988, Geochemistry and origin of Ensialic Alpines - type serpentine Associations from Mallam Tanko (Shemi) and Ribah Northern Nigeria. In Prec. Geo. of Nigeria, GSN, Esho Pub. Kaduna. 46p.
Oluyide, P. O., Nwajide, C. S., and Oni, A. O., 1998, The geology of the Ilorin area. Explanation of the 1:250000 sheet 50 (Ilorin). Ministry of solid mineral development, Geological Survey of Nigeria, Bulletin No. 42.
Onyeagocha, A. C., 1984, Petrology and geologic history of NW Akwanga area in Northern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v.2, 1, p. 41-50.
Rahaman, M. A., Emofurieta, W. O., and Caen-Vachette, M., 1983, The potassic-granites of the Igbeti area: further evidence of the polycyclic evolution of the Pan-African belt in southwestern Nigeria. Precambrian research, v. 221, 2, p.75-92.
Rahaman, M. A., 1988, “Recent Advances in the Study of the Basement Complex of Nigeria,” In: P. O. Oluyide, W. C. Mbonu, A. E. Ogezi, I. G. Egbuniwe, A. C. Ajibade and A. C. Umeji, Eds., Precambrian Geology of Nigeria, Geological Survey of Nigeria, Kaduna, p. 11-41.
Talabi, A. O., 2013, Mineralogical and chemical characterization of major basement rocks in Ekiti State, SW-Nigeria. RMZ-M & G, v. 60, p 73-86.
Udensi, E. E., Ojo, S. B., and Ajakaiye, D. E., 1986, A three-dimensional interpretation of the bouguer anomalies over the Minna batholith in central Nigeria. Precambrian research, v. 32, 1, p.1-15.
Van Breemen, O., Pidgeon, R. T., and Bowden, P., 1977, Age and Isotopic Studies of Some Pan-African Granites from North-Central Nigeria. Precambrian Research. v. 4, p. 319-407.
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